Page name: Normal High [Logged in view] [RSS]
2009-11-26 19:51:46
Last author: Flisky
Owner: Blood Sucking Beauty
# of watchers: 13
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Normal High (RESTARTED)

A normal high school with normal students. READ BELOW RP AREAS!!!!!

I, [Blood Sucking Beauty], have now gotten help with this. [Flisky] will be helping me maintain this RP and make it work so please don't give her attitude if she does something. *hugs* thanks [Flisky]

Normal High Students
Normal High Teachers

Normal High Monday <---------We are here 4th Period
Normal High Tuesday
Normal High Wednsday
Normal High Thursday
Normal High Friday
Normal High Saterday
Normal High Sunday

Normal Teacher's Lounge
Normal Nurse's Office
Normal Principal's and Secretary's Office

Normal High Class Schedule Please keep track of which class you are in. Some may be running two at a time.

THERE ARE SCHOOL UNIFORMS....When each week restarts i will delete all that was once there and start that day of the week. This will help people know what day it is and every week, i will skip up to the next day of the week. i do not care where people are at in the conversation, you must keep track of when i will change the school day. Weekends are normal. If you are off of the internet and miss a school day then itll be said that your character was absent from school that day and you will be allowed to jump back in.

RP is limited to twice per character until everyone else has posted. If a player will be gone for a time, please let [Blood Sucking Beauty] know and either your character will be played by a moderator or will be absent. Players who don't post after a week will be messaged and asked if they wish to continue. We do not want to see this wiki die once again because of inactive players.

Username (or number or email):


2009-11-03 [Rice]: .....*crawls into a corner*

2009-11-03 [Flisky]: *facepalms* It seems no one is listening. *retreats to a safe corner and proceeds to eat ice cream with a stuffed bear as company*

2009-11-03 [Blood Sucking Beauty]: *stops moshing* where did they go? Hmmmmm Trivium is too much than.....hmmmmmmm AHHA! *throws on All That Remains record*

2009-11-03 [Flisky]: *talking to stuffed bear* Well, Sara-chan, I guess we just sit here until the moshing stops.

2009-11-03 [Rice]: *forward rolls at Flisk_girl* IM LIKE A TIGER~

2009-11-03 [Flisky]: *throws ice cream at Keyser and screams*

2009-11-03 [Rice]: ARGHHHH *dies and rolls around thrashing* GET IT OFF

2009-11-03 [Blood Sucking Beauty]: *Still singley moshing*

2009-11-08 [Vou]: Lol. Amusing. xD Ima join x3

2009-11-08 [drakkar]: *lurks moar*

2010-05-18 [Eyden13]: did everyone die or something

2010-05-18 [the mad hatter2]: i know right

2010-05-18 [~Spirit Fox~]: I was waiting untill everyone else got to edit before posting. (The rules thing.)

2010-05-18 [Eyden13]: whose not posting?

2010-05-18 [~Spirit Fox~]: I'm not even sure at this point. XD I know I posted last but that was awhile ago.

2010-05-19 [the mad hatter2]: wierd

2010-05-21 [~Crimson Angel~]: Yeah.

2010-05-21 [~Spirit Fox~]: I wonder if they just got caught up with other stuff...

2010-05-21 [~Crimson Angel~]: Maybe.

2010-05-26 [Flisky]: Sorry, I got a council position and have been busy. (Plus I moved three states over, lost internet, have been fighting to find a place to live, and applying to get a new job.) :P

I'm trying to revitalize my rps, though. ^_^

2010-05-27 [Eyden13]: ok ^-^

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